Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23rd

This was the third week of me trying to become healthier and by far the hardest yet. Part of it was my daughter not wanting to continue participating, part was my coworkers constantly eating fried foods around me, and part of it was my own willpower. They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. I'm hoping that now that I've finished week three, I can call this healthier eating and workout habit and not a fad.

This week not only tested me, but my daughter as well. She had fallen off the wagon while spending the weekend at her father's house and basically refused to work out with me all week. I was having trouble motivating myself and now I had to find the strength to motivate her as well. By the weekend however, she was back on board with the eating, even coming up with her own ideas of things to cook, and she was back to working out with me. We went today and walked the same route as the 5K I had done a few months back. She stopped just after the 2 mile mark but I consider it progress for her. I finished the track in a minute and a half less than I did 3 months earlier. My goal is to go from the 51:09 5K I did today to a 40:00 by the end of the year.

I work in a department that consist of 8 people including myself. One of the men goes out every day to get lunch for himself and another girl to bring back to the office and eat at their desks. I have no way of avoiding it when they are in such close proximity to my desk. Considering they both need to lose weight themselves, I wish they'd cut that out.

I fought myself daily to workout. I didn't do it as much as I should have, but at least I can say I did it. The fact that I am extremely sore right now makes me feel good about my progress.

Week four begins tomorrow. I hope I can keep up the good spirit and find the drive needed to be successful at this endeavor!

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