Monday, June 2, 2014

The Travel Bug

The travel bug has finally got me. If the world is our playground,  why hang out on the merry-go-round all the time?

Here are the facts: I am 37, single, mother of an almost 21 year old, make $40k+ a year, own my home, about $6k in debt not including my car and home.

My plans: pay off debt, travel, and eventually move far, far away.

The debt is an ongoing process.  My ailing cat has cost me nearly $2k in the last couple of months (yes, he is worth it!). I try to pay over my minimum amount every month. And if extra money comes in, that's what is goes towards. Today I got a check from Duke Power for $230. I immediately deposited it then went online and paid $230 on a credit card.

Travel is something I have to plan and save for. There is not a lot of extra money laying around. I put myself on a budget and in just a few months I saved over $700. I could tighten my belt a little more but I don't want to make myself miserable now just to be able to do something later.

I have been reading Nomadic Matt's blog and it has been eye opeing. It has taught me so much about travel that I never would have thought of. Between the benefits of sky miles to sleeping arrangements to food to money, it has been educational. I find myself on his blog nearly every day and will probably buy his book.

I am hoping that once I travel a bit and see more of the world than just my merry-go-round,  I will find an amazing place that speaks to me and I can settle down.  Time will tell!

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