Monday, March 14, 2011

Our Kids Are Growing Up Mindless Beings

When I was young I use to spend almost every waking hour that I was allowed, outside. I played cowboys and Indians, rode my bike, played war, had snowball fights, went swimming, raked and jumped in leaves, fished, played with toys, or just laid in the grass being lazy. I was perfectly entertained and I didn’t drive my mother too crazy. I had a Texas Instrument that was similar to what now would be the X-Box. I played it some but it bored me. Granted, games back then were nowhere near as exciting as today.
Most kids nowadays seem to lack imagination. We have raised our children using the TV as a baby sitter. SUVs come equipped with DVD players and TVs so that your child can watch TV for that 5 minute ride to the store. Heaven forbid they learn to look out the window and enjoy the beauty that Mother Nature has provided. When I was a kid and we would go on road trips, I was allowed 1 toy. This was only for a long road trip because the shorter trips did not require anything. If I got bored, I would play the alphabet game, trying to go straight through the alphabet by finding letters on signs and buildings. Some people say I was deprived. I think that I learned to use my imagination and that children nowadays are the ones missing out.

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